Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life is short, eat dessert first.


1 qt. whole milk
1 cup sugar
10 egg yolks
grated rind of 1 lemon
1 pinch of salt

Bring the milk, all but 1/2 cup, to a boil in a stainless steel saucepan (do not use an aluminum container), adding the grated lemon rind and a pinch of salt. Remove from the fire.
Whip the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl. Add the cold 1/2 cup of milk, and then add the hot milk a little at a time. Put the mixture in a pot on the fire and cook over very low heat for 20 mins, stirring constantly. Do not allow to boil. When the mixture starts thickening, pour it into a bowl and cool, stirring frequently. Strain through a fine sieve.
Once entirely cooled, put the mixture in an ice-cream machine and churn until it reaches the proper consistency. Place in an ice-cream freezer.
Churning time varies depending on the ice-cream machine used. An ice-cream freezer holds a temperature just below freezing.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Italian Meal

Have a read through this. My stomach grumbled. I am now hungry for Italian!

"Italian meals eaten outside of Italy, however delicious, never taste quite the same as they do at home. It's a question of local produce and the customs of cooking and serving foods peculiar to each place, tied in with a certain atmosphere-the smells and sights and sounds of restaurants, trattorie, taverns, cafés, shops and markets-that can't be duplicated elsewhere.

That might be why visitors come away with fond memories of dining experiences in a country whose social life has always focused on the pleasures of the table. Readers not yet introduced to such pleasures might find this summary of Italian dining terminology useful.
Pasto is a generic term for meal. Colazione may refer to lunch or a mid-morning repast or, as prima colazione, breakfast, which usually runs to "continental" standards with coffee or tea and bread or pastries. Merenda, more or less synonymous with spuntino, may refer to a mid-afternoon or mid-morning snack-or light lunch. Cena signifies an evening meal or late supper. Pranzo, which in parts of Italy means lunch (synonymous with colazione) and in other places dinner or supper (synonymous with cena), also refers to an important meal, banquet or business dinner. Local expressions can complicate matters.

Full meals may range through three to six courses (called portate) or sometimes more. Curiously, though, antipasti don't rate a number, even if the range of appetizers offered in some places would constitute a feast. The first course--primo piatto (also simply primo) or minestra--may consist of pasta, risotto, polenta, gnocchi or soup. The second or main course--secondo piatto or piatto di mezzo--may cover seafood, meat, poultry, game, omelets or other cooked cheese or vegetable dishes.

The numbering system falls flat when meals include two or more primi or secondi or when a fish entrée, for example, precedes a meat course. With the main course or courses will come a contorno, a side dish or garnish of cooked vegetables, salad, rice, noodles or polenta. Courses may continue with formaggio (cheese), frutta (fresh fruit), dolce (also called dessert), caffè (espresso, of course) and digestivo (grappa, brandy or liqueurs, such as amaro or sambuca)."


Food. My favourite word. I'm joking, but you catch my drift right?

When in Italy I will eat my heart away. I am not one of those "I need to be skinny" type of people. I'm from the Islands, I love my food! Italian food tastes good here, and I bet it tastes even better in Italy itself! Yum yum!

Spaghetti Carbonara, I will attack you!

I want to see everything, dammit!

When someone talks about Italy I smile instantly. Holy cow, I love the subject. I love the country. But how can I love a country I have not even visited? I bet you're wanting to ask me this. My answer: I don't know. I simply do not know. I must tell you this though, I have a secret power. And this power is simply 'bloody good intuition'. I do not mean to boast, just saying. Every time I think something out in my head, I'm usually on the right path.

Italy. I know this is a dream shared by so many other people on this planet. And I hope to God that these people get to live this dream, because I will. I promised myself this, and when I promise myself something I make it happen. I am only 18 for crying out loud, 18 year olds around the world all have dreams. This just happens to be the top of my list. One day I will I visit Italy for 6 months. I'll give my soul to Italy for 6 months.

I want to, and I WILL, adventure Italy inside out. I will explore it's art, music, fashion, architecture and not forgetting: Food!

This mission must be completed before: 30th July, 2023.

The Mission

To explore Italy, inside out!
Chloe Edwards
Aspiring Journalist
Dream began about one year ago
Began recording the dream: Today